144 research outputs found

    Eco-efficiency: trends, goals and their implementation in Lithuania

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    Paper aims to explore the progress in eco-efficiency and the course of decoupling of environmental impact from economy growth in Lithuania during 1990–2008. For better interpretation of ongoing changes in eco-efficiency the concept of double decoupling was applied. Decoupling of resource consumption from economy growth is considered as primary decoupling, and decoupling of environmental pollution from resource consumption is considered as secondary decoupling. Energy intensity is treated as indicator of primary decoupling and pollution intensity as indicator of secondary decoupling. Over investigated period an essential primary decoupling took place and final energy intensity was reduced approximately 2.5 times in Lithuania and has converged to the level of EU-15 on average. Transition to the market economy, shift to the modern technologies, increased energy prices and structural changes of Lithuanian economy are considered as the main drivers for this achievement. Progress in secondary decoupling was not so pronounced and pollution intensity is still 2 times higher than in EU-15. Though energy and transport sectors are identified as the main “hot spots” to tackle relatively high pollution intensity, focus on tools and measures benefiting reduction of both energy and pollution intensity are discussed. Article in English. Ekologinis veiksmingumas: tendencijos, tikslai ir jų įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje Santrauka. Straipsnyje analizuojama Lietuvos pažanga ekologinio veiksmingumo srityje ir poveikio aplinkai atsiejimas nuo ekonomikos 1990–2008 m. Įvykusiems ekologinio veiksmingumo pokyčiams įvertinti pritaikyta dvigubo atsiejimo koncepcija. Energijos intensyvumas traktuojamas kaip pirminio atsiejimo, t. y. ekonomikos augimo atsiejimo nuo energijos išteklių naudojimo, rodiklis, teršimo intensyvumas – kaip antrinio atsiejimo, t. y. aplinkos teršimo atsiejimo nuo energijos vartojimo, rodiklis. Per analizuojamą laikotarpį pavyko atsieti ekonomikos augimą nuo energijos vartojimo, galutinės energijos intensyvumą Lietuvoje sumažinti maždaug 2,5 karto ir beveik pasiekti ES-15 vidurkį. Perėjimas prie rinkos ekonomikos, modernių technologijų, išaugusios energijos kainos ir struktūriniai Lietuvos ekonomikos pokyčiai laikomi pagrindiniais šią ekonomikos ir aplinkos požiūriu svarbią pažangą lėmusiais veiksniais. Pažanga antrinio atsiejimo srityje buvo ne tokia didelė ir taršos intensyvumas, t. y. į aplinką patenkančių teršalų kiekis suvartotos energijos vienetui, Lietuvoje yra vis dar apie du kartus didesnis nei ES-15. Energetika ir transportas įvardijami kaip pagrindiniai sektoriai, kuriuose reikia skirti daugiau dėmesio atitinkamoms priemonėms, siekiant mažinti didelį taršos intensyvumą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ekologinis veiksmingumas, energijos intensyvumas, taršos intensyvumas, darnus vystymasis, dvigubas atsiejima

    Effects of different sowing time to phenology and yield of winter wheat

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    This study aims to determine optimal sowing date for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and invoke DSSAT Nwheat model to analyze impact of modified sowing date to phenological development and grain yield. Wheat was grown for three seasons in two locations across Lithuania and sowing was carried out one time per week from 1 September to 29 September. Average three-year temperature of vegetation period gets lower every week by 0.16 °C, and available GDD by 94.5 °C when sowing time is delayed. Modeling results showed that tillering rate is affected by sowing time winter wheat grew 232 (tillers m-2) less with each week of delayed sowing. Grain filling stage was shortened by 1.25 days with each delayed sowing week. Depending on sowing time yield varied from 8.58 t ha-1 to 6 t ha-1 while simulated harvest was 8% lower. We conclude that best winter wheat sowing time for current climatic conditions in Lithuania is mid-September and DSSAT model proves as a useful tool in anticipating sowing time while facing problems caused by a climate change

    Aplinkotyra : bendrasis vadovėlis

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    Bibliogr.: p. 330-332Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Darnus vystymasis

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Mathematical methods for environmental science

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    Bibliogr.: p. 37-39 (16 pavad.

    Implementation of national strategy for sustainable development : achievements and problems

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    Results of the first biennial report on implementation of National Strategy for Sustainable Development are presented. There decoupling of environmental impact from fast economic growth is considered as one of the most important tasks from the point of sustainability for the new Eastern EU member states. The indicators of energy, pollution, and labour intensity are compared in Lithuania and EU15 countries. An essential progress in reduction of energy intensity during the last 15 years is emphasized, however approximately 2-2.5 times higher, to compare with EU15 countries, pollution and labour intensity are considered as very important problems of Lithuania's development. Changes in different indicators of sustainability are analysed and the main achievements and problems in environmental, economic, and social sectors are highlighted. It is concluded, that strengthening in governance of sustainability process, wider public participation, and deeper scientific investigations are necessary for successful implementation of National Strategy for Sustainable DevelopmentGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Sustainability of renewable energy sources

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos su atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių sparčia plėtra susijusios darnaus vystymosi problemos. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kad, plečiant tsinaujinančių energijos išteklių(AEI) naudojimą, būtina vadovautis ekologinio efektyvumo principu ir irmenybė turi būti teikiama kuomažesnį neigiamą poveikį aplinkai darančioms alternatyvoms ir į itin menką lygumų šalių upių energetinįpotencialą bei neadekvačiai didelius užliejamus ypatinga biologine įvairove pasižyminčių upių slėnių plotus.Pateikiamas hidroenergetikos, vėjo energetikos ir kogeneracinio biomasės deginimo ekonominio ir ekologinio efektyvumo palyginimas. Nurodoma, kad norint pagaminti tą patį kiekį elektros energijos kaip viena šiuolaikiška sausumos vėjo jėgainė, reiktų pastatyti net šešias vidutinio dydžio mažąsias hidroelektrines ir užtvindyti apie 360 ha, o viena šiuolaikiška vėjo jėgainė jūroje atstoja 20 vidutinio dydžio mažųjų HE ir gali išgelbėti nuo užtvindymo virš 1200 ha išskirtinę ekologinę ir kultūrinę vertę turinčių upių slėnių. Apželdant tokį pat plotą apleistų žemių trumpos rotacijos energetinėmis plantacijomis, galime gauti beveik dvigubai daugiau energijos, nei užtvindant hidroenergetikos poreikiams itin vertingą gamtos ir kultūros paveldąData on economic and ecological efficiency of different renewable energy sources (hydropower, wind and biomass) are presented in the article. Taking into account that Lithuania is extremely plain country, hydro-energy potential of rivers is very low and areas of flooded forests and rasslands with exclusive biological diversity are very big and it cause inadequate to obtained benefit ecological losses. General installed capacity of 84 small stations consist only 26 MW, and they produce only 0.5 percent of necessary electricity, however total flooded area occupies more than 50 sq. km (5000 ha) of green areas and arable lands. In order to make proper choice and decision on further development in the sustainable manner, eco- efficiency of different renewable energy sources should be taken into account, and energy sources with lower environmental mpact should be preferred. Attention is driven that one modern onshore wind power station can produce six times more electricity than one small hydropower station and can save from flooding about 350 ha of areas with exclusive biological diversity. Current fast development of offshore wind power technologies allow to reach higher energy productivity and one such station can substitute even 20 small hydropower stations and to save more than 1200 ha of green areas. In Lithuania there are a lot of abandoned agricultural lands, and establishment of short rotation nergy plantations is other promising option of local renewable energy sources. According to approximate evaluation, from 1 ha of planted short rotation energy plantations could be produced almost two times more energy than from the same area of flooded for small hydropower needs landAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Evironmental trends and sustainability of development in transition countries. [Rankraštis]

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    Tekstas vienoje lapo pusėjeSu bibliogrVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo metodų praktinio panaudojimo sudija

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta